Using the QuickHelp Campaigns Tab to create email or Microsoft Team notification campaigns is a great way to encourage, inform and engage your end users.
A QuickHelp Communication Administrator can use the Campaigns Tab within the Admin Portal to direct end users to Skill Paths, upcoming Events, a targeted asset, and more. (Click here for a breakdown of Admin Roles).
This document provides the basics on effectively using the Campaigns Tab.
NOTE : If your organization uses Direct Send or SMTP as their Custom Send Method you must do the following:
1. Select OTHER as the Send From > Then select your organization's Direct Send email from the dropdown.
2. Duplicate the campaign when using one of our previously created campaigns. If you do not, you will not see the Other radial button.
3. SAVE. If you do not, the email will not send.
NOTE: The Weekly User Digest is sent out on Tuesday mornings and will take priority over other set communications. This will result in a 4-6 hour delay in messages being sent.
NOTE: To send communications through Microsoft Teams, you will need to install the BrainStorm QuickHelp App. Click HERE for a how to.
In the Campaign Tab > Communication you can either:
- Duplicate and Edit an existing template
- It is QuickHelp’s best practice to duplicate a QuickHelp-created template and make all changes to the duplicated template
- Duplicating the template allows you to always have the original to refer to
- Use an existing template
- Create your own template from scratch
You will also learn how to do the following:
- Schedule an email or Teams Message from the Campaigns Tab
- Other Ways to Send/View an Email or Teams Message
Duplicate and Edit an existing template
NOTE: Editing a duplicated template rather than an original is a QuickHelp best practice!
- Duplicating a template allows you to always have the original to refer to
- After you duplicated a template, notice that the LAST MODIFIED BY now has your company’s name
- Campaigns > Communication > Categories > Emails/Teams
- Click the checkbox to the left of the message you wish to duplicate
- Select Duplicate from the Action Bar on the bottom of the screen
- Rename the Title so that it is easy to find
- Make any additional changes to other fields in the communication as needed (Subject Line, Headline, Body, Call To Action, etc. For more information about different fields, hover over the
icon next to the field name)
- Make any additional changes to other fields in the communication as needed (Subject Line, Headline, Body, Call To Action, etc. For more information about different fields, hover over the
- Select who to Send From
NOTE: The Send From section will not display if using Microsoft Teams Notifications- QuickHelp –
- Your email – Admin that is currently logged in to the Admin Portal
- Other – no-reply@ one of your approved QuickHelp domains
- This option is not available if you did not select “Duplicate”
- This option must be used if your organization uses a Custom Send Method (Direct Send or SMTP)
- Save changes
Use an Existing Template
- Campaigns > Communication > Categories > Emails/Teams
- Click the checkbox to the left of the communication you wish to use
- Select Edit from the Action Bar on the bottom of the screen
- Make changes as needed to the communication
- Select who to Send From
NOTE: The Send From section will not display if using Microsoft Teams Notifications- QuickHelp –
- Your email – Admin that currently logged in to the Admin Portal
- Save Changes
NOTE: When you change an email or Teams notification without duplicating it, a pencil icon will appear next to the title
Create Your Own Template
For any communications not already based in an existing template, you can create your own.
- Select NEW in the action bar
- Select Campaigns > Communication > Categories > Emails/Teams Message
NOTE: You can create new Communication Types and Categories, if needed - Follow the Wizard to create the email.
Information you will need:- Title
- Subject Line
- Image Cap
- Headline
- Body
- Call To Action
- Destination URL – must start with or
- Delivery Options (manual or scheduled – if you choose scheduled, you will be prompted for recipients and a date/time)
- Send From
Schedule an email or Teams Message from the Campaigns Tab
To schedule an existing Email or Teams Message in the Campaigns Tab:
- Campaigns > Communication > Categories > Emails/Teams Message
- Click the checkbox to the left of the communication you wish to schedule
- Select Schedule from the Action Bar on the bottom of the screen
NOTE: If email or Teams message is already scheduled to go out a Confirm Schedule message will appear.
- Select Specified Recipients
- System Groups, User Groups, and/or Specific end users
- Select the Next arrow
- Select a Date/Time and Time Zone
- Click the Finish checkmark
NOTE: If you have "scheduled" an email or Teams Message it will take a moment or two to display and you will need to refresh your screen to see it.
NOTE: To “un-schedule” an email or Teams Message, edit the Email or Teams Message and change the Delivery method to Send Manually.
When you Save the changes, you will be asked if you want to remove the schedule - if yes, click OK.
Other Ways to Send/View an Email or Teams Message
EMAIL ME (email) /SEND ME (Teams message)
Immediately sends the selected message to the email or Teams of the logged in user.
Send To
Immediately sends the selected email or Teams to specified System Groups, User Groups, or individual emails.
EMAIL ALL USERS (email)/SEND ALL USERS (Teams message)
Immediately sends the selected email to all licensed QuickHelp users in your organization.
In any of the methods described above, you can preview the email before sending it, right within the Admin Portal.