Microsoft Exchange often alerts your users with an "External Email" warning banner that an email originated outside of your organization.  


Removing this warning from QuickHelp emails may increase engagement within your organization.  You can do this by adding an exception to your “External Email” rule.

Pease follow these simple steps to edit your email rule (you must have access to Exchange admin center in your Office 365 portal).

  1. Log in to the Exchange Admin Center
  2. Click mail flow in the left-hand column
  3. Click the rules tab across the top
  4. Double-click the rule that flags external emails (e.g. External Message Warning)
  5. Find the section that states Except if…
  6. From the Except if… pulldown menu, choose The sender… > IP address is in any of these ranges or exactly matches
  7. In the specify IP address range dialog, enter (QuickHelp emails are sent from this IP address)
  8. Click the + icon to add the IP to the list
  9. Click OK
  10. Click Close